Best - Game Of Throne Characters Signatures shirt

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In northern Europe, Greek mythology has never had a similar role in visual arts, but its influence is clear in literature. Game Of Throne Characters Signatures shirt. The British imagination is lit up by Greek mythology beginning with Chaucer and John Milton and then continuing through Shakespeare until Robert Bridges in the twentieth century. Racine in France and Goethe in Germany revived Roman drama, doing the work of ancient legends [108]. Although during the Enlightenment Period of the nineteenth century reacting against Greek myths that spread throughout Europe, myths continued to provide materials for playwright, including those who wrote plays themselves. libretto for Handel and Mozart's operas [109]. By the end of the nineteenth century, romanticism raised enthusiasm for all Greek things, including Greek mythology. In England, new translations of Greek tragedy and Hómēros inspired contemporary poets (such as Tennyson, Keats, Byron and Shelley) and painters (such as Lord Leighton and Lawrence Alma-Tadema) [110 ]. Christoph Gluck, Richard Strauss, Jacques Offenbach and many others put Greek mythological themes into music [2]. American authors of the nineteenth century, such as Thomas Bulfinch and Nathaniel Hawthorne, believed that the study of classical myths was essential for the study of Anglo-American literature. In more recent times, classical themes continue to be reinterpreted by playwright Jean Anouilh, Jean Cocteau, and Jean Giraudoux in France, Eugene O'Neill in the United States, and TS Eliot in England as well as by many novelists like James Joyce

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