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Sigmund Freud introduced a biological and transhistorical conception of people and a mythological viewpoint as a way of expressing repressed ideas. Marvel Characters Avengers Endgame Poster. The interpretation of dreams is the foundation of Freud's mythology and Freud's conception of dreaming to recognize the importance of contextual relationships for the interpretation of any individual element in a dream. This proposal finds an important close link between the structuralist and psychoanalytic approaches to the myth of Freud's thought [94]. Carl Jung extended the psychological, trans-historical approach to the theory of "collective unconscious" and "prototypes" (archetype, ie, ancient models passed down), often coded in myths. , what arises from it [2]. According to Jung, "the structural elements that make up the legend need to appear in the unconscious mind" [95]. Comparing Jung's methodology with Joseph Campbell's theory, Robert A. Segal concludes that "to interpret a Campbell legend simply identify the prototypes in it. An interpretation of Odýsseia, for example, will only Odysseus' life follows a heroic model: Jung, on the other hand, considers the identification of prototypes merely as the first step of interpreting a myth "[96]. Karl Kerényi, one of the founders of modern studies on Greek mythology, gave up his original conception of mythology, to apply theories of Jung's prototype to Greek mythology.

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