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Fellah means "farmer", "tenant", in Arabic it refers to rural people in places where Arabs have conquered. 60% of the Egyptian population, is a fellahin (plural of fellah ???) who has a miserable life and continues to live in mud brick houses like their old ancestors. We are all family dispatch corrections ems firefighter police military shirt. In the early twentieth century, this figure was even higher, before the influx of their immigrants into cities and towns. In 1927, anthropologist Winifred Blackman, author of Upper Egypt Fellahin, conducted an ethnographic study of the lives of Upper Egyptian farmers and concluded that there was a continuation between faith and cultural and religious execution in fellahin people with ancient Egyptian times. Ethnic groups in Egypt, including a small number of Arab Bedouin tribes living in the east and west of the desert and the Sinai Peninsula, Siwis of Siwa Oasis, speak of Berber languages ​​and ancient Nubian communities gathered. along the Nile River in southernmost Egypt. Egypt also has about 90,000 refugees, most of them 70,000 Palestinian refugees and 20,000 Sudanese refugees. A very strong Jewish community has completely disappeared, there are only a small number of people staying in Egypt and those who only go there on religious festivals. Many important Jewish archeological and historical sites are still there.
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