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Egypt has always been a difficult province to manage the Ottoman, partly because the Mamluk class maintained power and influence. Leo girls don’t argue we explain why we’re right mug. Egypt maintained the division of semi-autonomy under the Mamluk class until Napoleon Bonaparte's French forces invaded in 1798. After the French were defeated by the British, the power vacuum appeared in Egypt. , and a trilateral power struggle broke out between Ottoman Turks, Mamluk Egyptians, and Albanian merchants serving the Ottoman Empire. Muhammad Ali was the founder of Muhammad Ali and the first Khedive of Egypt and Sudan. By 1805, an Albanian military commander of the Ottoman army in Egypt was Muhammad Ali Pasha gaining power. He bears the title of vice king of Egypt, but the Ottoman rule is nominal. Muhammad Ali massacred the Mamluk class and established a reign of Egypt until the revolution in 1952. Muhammad Ali annexed northern Sudan (1820–1824), Syria (1833), and parts of the Arabian Peninsula and Asia Minor; however, in 1841 European powers feared that he would overthrow the Ottoman Empire, forcing him to return most of the Ottoman conquest. His military ambitions required him to modernize the country: He gave industrial construction, a system of irrigation and transport channels, and public service reforms. [26] He created a military state with about four percent of the population serving the army, making Egypt a strong position in the Ottoman Empire.

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