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In early May 2015, Marvel announced that actor Martin Freeman had been recruited into an unspecified role, and actors returned to their old roles including Paul Bettany as Vision, Don Cheadle as James Rhodes / War Machine, Paul Rudd as Scott Lang / Ant, Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter, and William Hurt as Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Come To The Norwegian Side We Have Lefse Mug. Samuel L. Jackson, the actor who played the character of Nick Fury in the first two films of Captain America, said he was "surprised" to know he would not appear in Captain America: the superhero Civil War, after "he Russo's younger brother told him to have it. "[101] Moore said that Fury didn't appear in the movie" because he didn't add anything to the story of the superhero Civil War they were telling ", [81 ] meanwhile Markus said they didn't want Nick Fury to choose any hero because "it's not his place in this universe". [102] Regarding the importance of characters to the plot, Anthony Russo said that each character is challenged to a personal limit to see how they respond to compromise. [8] Regarding the portraits of each character, Joe Russo said he and his brother had a strong "emotion" and "a psychological connection to these characters" when they were young, and added, "We I want to delve into it so that I can understand what motivates you to love this character. That's what we try to bring to the characters now. " He also said that both brothers are "trying to appreciate the natural feelings and gratitude for the real feelings [with the film].

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