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From 1810 to 1820, Iturbide fought against those seeking to overthrow the Spanish monarchy and the rule of the West Bourbon New Spain house and replace that regime with independent government. Uncles are not totally useless we can be used as bad examples shirt. In this, he has consistently associated with the Creole class. However, events in Spain caused problems for this class, because the monarchy they were fighting was in serious trouble. The 1812 Cadiz Constitution, which was restored in Spain in 1820 after the successful Riego Revolt, established a constitutional monarchy, which greatly restrained Ferdinand VII's rights. There is serious concern in Mexico that Bourbons will be forced to abandon Spain completely. This led to the disintegration of inheritance in Mexico City and a growing political vacuum that the Mexican nobility sought to fill, seeking limited representation and self-control for themselves in the empire. [ twelfth] An idea arises in this class that if Mexico becomes independent or autonomous, and if Ferdinand is overthrown, he can become the king of Mexico.
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