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The Arab League's permanent headquarters is in Cairo. Toothless and Deadpool Cosplay shirt. The general secretary of the Confederation has long been traditionally Egyptian. Former Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa is currently the Secretary-General of the Arab League. The Arab League left Egypt for Siry for a brief period in 1978 to protest Egypt's peace treaty with Israel but returned to 1989. Egypt was the first Arab country to establish a relationship. diplomacy with the state of Israel, after signing the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty under the Camp David Agreement. Egypt has a great influence on Arab countries, and has long played an important role as a mediator of Arab states, and Israeli-Palestinian disputes. Most Arab countries still trust Egypt in this role, although its influence is often limited. Former Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister Boutros Boutros-Ghali has served as the UN Secretary-General from 1991 to 1996. A territorial dispute with Sudan about the area called the Hala'ib Triangle has left diplomatic relations between the two countries. many obstacles.

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